Boom Plan
100GB mobile data
in Luxembourg, Europe, and the US
4G+ and 5G
Get the best speeds
Unlimited calls and texts
in Luxembourg, Europe, and the US
- Boom: offer available to the first 1000 customers only
- Prices incl. VAT.
- 1 unit = 1 minute = 1 SMS.
- Out of bundle Internet usage: €0.06/MB.
- Out of bundle SMS: €0.0702.
- Out-of-bundle calls: €0.2223 per minute.
- MMS within Luxembourg are charged €0.2223. While roaming, data consumption depending on MMS size will be charged in addition to the MMS fee.
- No commitment.
- All plans are subject to a Reasonable Network Usage Policy to ensure network availability and quality for all. It is set at 1000 units for 100% Win, 3000 units for BeUnlimited and 6000 for Boom.
- Orange Tranquillity is valid in Luxembourg for Orange customers. A mobile phone will be loaned for a maximum of one month, with an equivalent operating system depending on the number of available loan devices and excluding personal data. Orange Tranquillity is only applicable in case of a breakdown. Repair will be carried out by Orange. Limit of 2 repairs per year.
- Roaming calls to special numbers (0800, 0900...) and short numbers are not included and will be charged at the costs defined by the providers of these numbers. Costs may incur even if the special number is free in the origin country.
- Orange Wednesdays conditions.
- Countries or territories included in Roaming Pass.
- Find all our International and Roaming rates.
- The Orange Network.