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Repair of your devices

My Orange phone is still under warranty. What should I do?

My Orange phone is still under warranty. What should I do?

If your Orange phone is still under warranty, you need to visit an Orange store. Our teams will assist you with your device.

Visit a store
What should I do if my phone is no longer under warranty?

What should I do if my phone is no longer under warranty?

If your device (purchased from Orange or not) is no longer under warranty, discover our network of trusted repairers and explore your repair options with the Orange Repair by Reevive service.

Submit a request
The trade-in of your phone for a more sustainable world.
The trade-in of your phone for a more sustainable world.

Did you know?

According to a study by Ecotel, there are 1 million phones lying unused in drawers in Luxembourg alone. With the trade-in system, we commit to taking back your old phone in exchange for a voucher corresponding to its residual value.

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